Expand to Kaufland with Xemel
We´ll help you with CSV feed and its translation.
Kaufland Global Marketplace
Kaufland.de (formerly real.de) is one of the fastest growing marketplaces in Germany. You will find products from more than nine thousand retailers in more than five thousand product categories. Over 32 million customers visit Kaufland every month so it's a highly trusted brand. From 2023, the Kaufland Global Marketplace is also available in the Czech Republic and Slovakia. In 2024, the marketplace is also expanding to Poland and Austria. In total, you have the opportunity to reach over 81 million online customers.
Czech Republic
You can import your product data into the Kaufland Global Marketplace via two types of feeds in CSV format: the inventory file and the product data file. The inventory file contains information about your individual product sales offers (your price, product availability, stock status, etc.). Your offers are then matched to the products in the Kaufland catalogue using EAN codes, which you have to send in the feed for each product. If you want to advertize products on Kaufland that Kaufland does not yet have catalogued, you will also need a product data file. This file contains all general information about the products such as product description, pictures etc. We at Xemel can prepare both types of feeds upon request so that your products can be listed in the Kaufland Marketplace without any problems and your advertizing can be successful. Product listing to the Kaufland Global Marketplace is therefore very quick and easy.